Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Last Pregnant Pose - 40 weeks!

Being my last pregnancy (right?), I did feel an itch to preserve the memory of my largesse for my children to see, and for Scott and I to reminisce about, because after all, I have always loved being pregnant, and I'm going to miss it! But, this belly is one for the books - not necessarily because of its size, but its weird pointy shape.....kind of gives me the creeps - but nevertheless, I needed to freeze the picture for posterity. I did do everyone the kindness of keeping it under wraps, but here it is, in all of its blue and white toile glory.......


Sandy said...

I LOVE it--you look great, and I cannot wait to see YOU and your family on Thursday!!

Riarae said...

Yes, you are a little pointy! Caroline will love this picture when she is older! Thanks! AND tomorrow is the big day! So exciting!!! Love!

Alicia said...

You look fabulous! Caroline will enjoy looking at these pictures. Can't wait to check your blog tonight and see pictures of Miss Caroline!

Dallas Blitches said...

You are such a beautiful pregnant lady!

Debbie said...

It's wonderful!!