Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Zoo Trip and Other Happenings

We have enjoying ourselves these last couple of weeks of my maternity leave. Caroline and I have had lots of quality time together at home. I've gotten some girlfriend time with my friends Alicia, and Karin, and Anna Klara. I've gotten to work out regularly and hopefully avoid the weight gain that has usually plagued me AFTER pregnancy. I've been able to work through my blood pressure and anxiety issues and get my medications weaned down back to normal. Ben and Jake have had Mommy at home to take them to school and pick them up. Laundry and dishes have been done promptly without stacking up. It's been my most favorite maternity leave to date - and it comes to an end this Friday. I'm okay though - I'm looking forward to my job, which I DO love, and I know it's only a short stint (10 school days to be exact). To celebrate the end of my maternity leave, we decided that everyone should play hooky on Monday and we all five headed down to the Houston Zoo. We had a great time - the boys were so surprised (we didn't tell them where we were going or even that they weren't going to school until the last minute), and Caroline was SO good in her baby carrier (the stroller is in "the shop" for repairs). I was able to feed her in the monkey exhibit, and she spent some of the time napping up against me while we walked around the zoo. A totally successful adventure. Here are some pictures from our trip:
Ben and Jake in a tank of piranhas

Riding the carousel

Daddy, Caroline, and the monkey on her head

Ben, Daddy, and giraffe

Caroline peeking out after a nap

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Post

I've had a fun Mother's Day today! I woke up to the boys and Scott presenting me with breakfast in bed. We went to church and got carnations from the church. I got myself a Panera panini for lunch on my way home. We opened presents - all very sweet ones from the boys and Caroline. They handpainted little white ceramic bud vases for me (Caroline had a little help from Daddy). Each boy made me a pair of cross earrings with little blue stones in them. Ben made me a little jewelry box that he painted royal blue from school. Jake made me a little kitchen towel with his handprints on it from school. And Scott got me the stainless steel apple corer I've been wanting from Williams Sonoma and a gorgeous blue and lime hydrangea. Now I'm stealing away for a little "me" time, but I'll be home soon to feed a baby and spend some quality time with my other "babies".
Here's our pretty girl in a repeat performance of her Easter dress
She's giving Donna a pretty smile.
Pretty ruffled bottom (and thighs).
I had pictured the guys surrounding ME with attention today but forgot about Little Miss Priss.
My three babies and me loving on them.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

2 Month Checkup

Caroline went to Dr. Mac today for her 2 month checkup. The boys were VERY eager to know that she would be getting 3 shots - that seemed like such a mean obsession of theirs - they love to hear about OTHER kids getting shots. She behaved herself very well at the dr. office. We were 10 minutes late - the waiting room was practically a no man's land, and we were in a room within 5 minutes of sitting down. It was great! The nurse took us back and she measured Caroline's head circumference and body length, and then we went out to weigh her - this was the 1st time that she DIDN'T poop or pee on the floor or scale while being weighed. She weighed 11 lbs, 12 oz, and she is 23.5 inches tall. I was so proud - she went from the 25% percentile for weight at 2 weeks to the 75% percentile for weight at 2 months. Her height went from 20 inches at 2 weeks (50% percentile) to the 90% percentile. And her little petite head went from the 50% percentile to the 75% percentile. So, she's slowly, at least so far, starting to follow more of her brothers' trends of being big. The only concern, and it's mild, is that she has a little bit of a flat spot on the side of her head, the side that she always sleeps on. He wasn't really worried - he didn't even notice it until I pointed it out to him - she has so much hair that it hides the little flat spot. He just wants us to be mindful of trying to get her to sleep with her head turned the opposite direction. He also reminded us that she'll start rolling soon and the boys will need to pick up their Legos off the floor soon. I already spoke with them about it. Anyway, it was a good visit overall. She handled her shots nicely - mostly slept the day away (the boys slept more after shots too - I guess the crying wore them out), but so far no fever or irritability. That would be great if she didn't have any adverse effects. Here's a new picture of Ben holding his sister - she was enjoying it, as you can see!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

No News is Good News, Right?

Okay, I haven't been very dedicated about posting, but I'm anticipating a good post after Caroline's 2 month checkup on Thursday as well as Jake's 1st grade musical on Friday. Jake is about to lose one of his top front teeth any day now - if he'd just have the courage to wiggle it a little harder, or maybe chew gum or bite into an apple. Ben is just Ben right now - cute as can be - although he's gotten in big trouble the last two days for saying "Shut up" to Jake.....he's actually gotten spankings for that, because that is just unacceptable. I blame that we aren't as vigilant with what Ben watches on TV, because whatever Jake is watching, Ben will watch too. I think we're going to be spending quite a bit more time with the TV off in the weeks to come. Caroline is sleeping really well at night - going down earlier (as opposed to her old preferred bedtime of midnight). She's usually in her bed by 9pm or so, and then sleeps until 5-6am, eats, and goes back to bed until 8-9am. Can't ask for much more than that from a nearly 2 month old. She does NOT, however, sleep well during the day.....just little catnaps and can leave her grumpy on certain days. It's not for lack of opportunity...she just fights it. But overall, I can't complain - she's a sweet baby and loves to coo at us and is starting to regard her brothers with a little bit of interest. I'll post a few pics and a cute video of Ben (I apologize to Facebook users who have already seen these - Grandma and a few others don't use Facebook and don't get to see them).

Wearing the duck outfit Grandma bought her

Sleeping on Mommy and Daddy's bed

Showing us her beautiful sock (wearing the dress Taryn gave her)

Doing some tummy time with her boyfriend Burke

Here is a video of Ben reciting a little ditty he has been practicing for a program at school: