Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy 7th Birthday, Jake!

Jake is 7 today, and is really enjoying his birthday weekend. First he had a party with his class at school on Friday, complete with a chocolate cake and a little Cha-Cha slide dancing at the end of the party, courtesy of Mrs. Fayle's DDR CD. He was really tickled that the whole class decided to indulge in a little dancing for his party. On Friday night, Grandma and Granddad came into town and all day Saturday were birthday festivities. First we had lunch with the four of us, Grandma and Granddad, and Donna and Corey. We cooked out hot dogs, burgers, made yummy bean dip and had fruit and chips, and then Chocolate Chip Cookie cake for dessert. Then he opened presents, and he loved ALL of them. He made it a goal to play with ALL of them before the end of the day. Matt and Kelley got here from Austin around 4:00pm, and he got to open another present (from them and Mark and Hanna), and then we went to his choice for dinner: Denny's (?). We came home and played Hit or Miss, and then after a long day, he was ready for bed. Today, we have church and then we're picking up his 3 closest friends for a little afternoon celebration - first stop is McDonalds for lunch, then the movie theatre to see "Hotel for Dogs" and then ice cream cake and presents at our house. Finally then the birthday will be over. But he made it last a whole weekend. I'll post birthday party pictures later!

My C-section has been rescheduled and then rescheduled again, so officially now, the date is set for 12:30pm on March 5th (one day before my due date), but the dr. office feels pretty confident that there will be cancellations between now and then, and I'll get moved back to the first half of the week. I hope so - I've never been pregnant for one day short of 40 weeks. That would be a record, and not one that I really want to achieve with the large babies I seem to have (although my dr. thinks that she will not be as big as the boys were - maybe somewhere in the 8lb - 8.5 lb range). Only time will tell!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

33 Weeks

Hello everyone! I thought I would make a little appearance on the blog to share the latest and greatest about Miss Caroline, as I had a big, important ultrasound today. First and foremost, she looks great - she's very healthy - her head and abdomen measure exactly where they should be for 33 weeks (they measure just a little big, but not hugely big like Jake and Ben did!). She has perfect toes, a perfect nose, beautiful lips, LOTS of hair, and chubby cheeks. They estimated that she is about 4lbs, 14 oz, and is in about the 60% percentile for height and weight. She's not head down or breech but rather transverse, which means her head is on the left and her rear is on the right. She sucked her thumb during part of the sonogram and yawned once too. What really blew us away were the images that we were able to see of her using a 4D machine. We can see that she looks remarkably like a Scott and Carrie Cummings baby - a little more like Jake than like Ben, but favors either given a certain angle. She has a nose like Jake's, that turns up at the end, and luscious lips like Jake and Ben (and I) have. It brought tears to my eyes, and that doesn't happen very often. We are so excited to meet her, and we know that we will, barring any surprises, on Tuesday, March 3. My blood pressure was great, my blood sugars were great, and I managed to lose 2 more lbs (?). I am being very brave, but for posterity's sake, I have decided to take the dreaded belly pic - I will only take one more - the day before she's born. It'll be fun to compare. Ignore the nasty stretch marks. And then I'm also posting the ultrasound pictures from today that I scanned.