I have been struggling though, with my "normal" post partum issues. Normal as in, I've had some degree of post partum blood pressure struggles and severe anxiety with all three babies. As far as the blood pressure, this one has been the worst. The numbers that I got on my monitor at home yesterday are higher than the ones that got me readmitted to the hospital last time. I called my internist, and he told me to take another round of my medication and he would see me today - I don't think that he was as alarmed as I was, and he's the professional, so I trust him. The numbers are down a bit today, which is encouraging, so we'll see what the dr. says. I'm SO hoping to avoid rehospitalization. UPDATE: Just got back from the doctor, and he wants to give the upped dosage of medication another day, so he sent me home with a monitor that stays on my arm and takes my pressure at different times, and then I'll go back tomorrow and re-evaluate. If that doesn't work, he wants to put me on a diuretic, but then I would have to stop breastfeeding, and I DON'T want that. So please pray for me that the medicine will kick in, and that my anxiety would stay at bay for the sake of my whole family. Mom just felt like she couldn't leave me yesterday, as planned, and so now she's here for the long haul (this week and all of next week). I love her for so many reasons, but she's so sacrificial with her time and energy, and that is something I admire so much.
We did decide to get out a bit yesterday, hoping to improve my mood and maybe my blood pressure (didn't work, but it was fun). We took them all to the park, and the boys flew a kite and rode bikes, while Caroline and I hung out and watched. Here are a couple of pictures from this first part of the week:
Of course we are all praying for you, Dear One! And isn't little Miss Blitch just SO fashion forward in her sunglasses!
High BP and anxiety and you still look beautiful! I just can't believe how much hair Caroline has! Call me when you are up for talking. I'm usually up around 2:00 a.m...if you are free! ha!
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