Saturday, September 02, 2006

Shots for everyone!

Scott got the privilege of taking both boys to the doctor on Friday to get their Hepatitis A immunizations (a new state requirement for any children in preschools and daycares). Ben, of course, still has no concept of "shots" and probably no memory of the ones he's had. Jake, however, has a vivid memory, and especially of the last episode at his 4 yr checkup, where he refused to let the nurse pull down his pants, and then screamed bloody murder,"I'm never getting shots again, NEVER EVER." So, when Scott informed him on Friday morning that they were going to have to go get shots, Jake convinced himself and tried to convince Scott that Ben was the only one who was getting a shot (I even heard Jake say this to Scott when I called that morning to check in - the boy was in TOTAL denial). When I talked to Scott later that afternoon, he said that he thought it had gone better than he had expected, that Ben cried briefly but quickly recovered, and that Jake hid in a corner and they had to extricate him from that corner. He didn't handle it as well as Ben, but eventually got over it, and we went to The Incredible Pizza Company for dinner and bowling to celebrate. You know you're a horrible bowler when your 4 yr old almost beats you.


Sandy said...

Bowling problems run in the Tipton family---sorry we were all terrible bowlers!! I am wanting to see the pictures of Jake and Ben' first day at school---do you have any photos of them?

Carrie said...

I have pictures, but they're still on the church's digital camera (we no longer have a working digital camera). I left a note on Scott's desk on Sunday reminding him to upload them so that we can see them.