Monday, September 04, 2006

Church Rebellions and Hijinks

It must be hard being a pastor's son - of course, that's no surprise, but I'm just starting to see some of Jake's "acting-out" instances. He went to his first Sunday School lesson yesterday (as a Pre-K student, he's now eligible to attend Sunday School). His teacher (who's a good friend of mine) said that he was really good and participated and liked answering questions----until the end when it was time to pray. He was quick to offer up a prayer request for Linus, who's my old family dog that died about three years ago - so random. Then he absolutely refused to participate in the prayer, which basically meant he needed to not be playing with the toys, and sitting with the rest of the class for about one minute. He refused.

Then we get to church and Jake is well-behaved. We went over the basic rules of the children's sermon, where all the kids come up to the front during worship during a designated period of time, and participate in a little "mini-sermon" which is very interactive and fun for them. Jake has a history of dominating conversation, which the congregation finds cute, and which Scott and I find slightly annoying. He also has a history of moving up and down the steps on his rear, usually accompanying by one or two of his apprentices. It's just distracting to watch. We always go over what he should do (which is listen, and sit as still as he can, and to raise his hand before speaking) and what he shouldn't do (listed above). Well, this Sunday, he did pretty well on the rule about not going up and down the steps on his rear - he did sit in place, although occasionally would spin around 360 degrees on his rear (!). And he did raise his hand before speaking, and waited to be called on, but the third thing I think I'll have to address is making sure that what comes out of his mouth is related to the discussion. Because what he said yesterday was totally out of left field. Scott was asking them something and Jake was the only one to raise his hand, so Scott called on him, and Jake announced something to the effect of "I'm pretty sure Jesus played the accordion". that's where polka originated.

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