Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Gifts for Baby Jesus Aren't Good Enough for Jake

Jake went to his first day of Pre-K today. Apparently he was a little mopey and out of sorts. However, what really threw him off, and subsequently caused him to throw a fit was the chariot that awaited him outside the house - the RAV-4. He told Scott that he couldn't travel in that car because it stunk of frankencense and myrrh.

At first I thought, "where on EARTH did he come up with those two scents, seeing as though I only hear about them when referring to the Three Wise Kings and the gifts they brought to lay at baby Jesus's manger?". However, I forgot that the motion sickness ointment that Scott put behind Jake's ears during the Colorado trip actually does CONTAIN frankencense and myrrh. Funny.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Too too funny---the words that come out of his mouth--I noticed his sense of odor had increased greatly---he kept commenting on specific things he was smelling when he was visiting me this summer!!