Okay, I haven't been very dedicated about posting, but I'm anticipating a good post after Caroline's 2 month checkup on Thursday as well as Jake's 1st grade musical on Friday. Jake is about to lose one of his top front teeth any day now - if he'd just have the courage to wiggle it a little harder, or maybe chew gum or bite into an apple. Ben is just Ben right now - cute as can be - although he's gotten in big trouble the last two days for saying "Shut up" to Jake.....he's actually gotten spankings for that, because that is just unacceptable. I blame that we aren't as vigilant with what Ben watches on TV, because whatever Jake is watching, Ben will watch too. I think we're going to be spending quite a bit more time with the TV off in the weeks to come. Caroline is sleeping really well at night - going down earlier (as opposed to her old preferred bedtime of midnight). She's usually in her bed by 9pm or so, and then sleeps until 5-6am, eats, and goes back to bed until 8-9am. Can't ask for much more than that from a nearly 2 month old. She does NOT, however, sleep well during the day.....just little catnaps and can leave her grumpy on certain days. It's not for lack of opportunity...she just fights it. But overall, I can't complain - she's a sweet baby and loves to coo at us and is starting to regard her brothers with a little bit of interest. I'll post a few pics and a cute video of Ben (I apologize to Facebook users who have already seen these - Grandma and a few others don't use Facebook and don't get to see them).

Wearing the duck outfit Grandma bought her

Sleeping on Mommy and Daddy's bed

Showing us her beautiful sock (wearing the dress Taryn gave her)
Doing some tummy time with her boyfriend Burke
Here is a video of Ben reciting a little ditty he has been practicing for a program at school: