Monday, October 02, 2006

Name Change Alert

Jacob Stephen Cummings has decided that he doesn't care much for his given name, and so he has changed Jackson. He has even gone so far as to inscribe it on the inside of a few books. He's really in love with that name, and I can't quite figure out how or why. I think it must be a phase - I remember going through a similar phase in Pre-K (probably also four years old or so) when I kept lying to my preschool teacher, Mrs. Cole, that my name was really short for Caroline. So I guess it proves that I've always been in love with that name, as everyone knows that if we ever have a girl, it would be a Caroline. So I guess maybe it means Jake is destined to have a son named Jackson. Who knows? But he didn't mention his alternate name today, so maybe it was a fleeting phase - I hope so - I can see it getting really obnoxious!

UPDATE: As of 10/9/06, Jackson changed his name back to Jacob. Thank Goodness!

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