Sunday, October 04, 2009

Catching a Break, I mean, Breath

Well, we've had an eventful month! Well, actually a couple of months........the car was totaled at the beginning of August. We had a bout of lice on the two boys and Scott that resulted in a lot of work cleaning and combing, and treatments for the whole family. Four of the five of us just spent the last week with swine flu. Ben has bronchitis as a result of the flu. And now, Ben has lice again. At first, I thought, "Why can't we catch a break?". But that's not a very healthy attitude, nor is it really true. It may seem, at first, like we've been handed a string of nasty blows, but really, in the grand scheme of things, these events are little, and we have emerged from them virtually unscathed. I've been reading a lot of other families' blogs over the last several months, and am convinced that we have been blessed with, frankly, more than we deserve. Yes, we had a car accident that resulted in the temporary loss of a vehicle, but we survived an accident where we were hit by someone going 60mph, and we walked away with nary a bruise or scrape. How miraculous! Yes, we faced (and are facing!) head lice, and that is disgusting and frustrating and somewhat embarrassing, but it's a small little blip on the health radar, and could have been something much bigger and scarier for my kids. Same goes for swine flu. Despite its big, bad name, and the hysteria that has surrounded it for months, it wasn't the worst thing in the world. Jake had pneumonia at 18 mos. that was much scarier. Ben had croup where we felt like he couldn't breathe - that was scary. The swine flu was inconvenient, at times uncomfortable for those of us with high fevers and bad coughs, but it has passed fairly quickly and without any residual damage. Families all over are going through and have gone through things that have altered the composition of their families, and are scarring, and have lasting emotional and mental impact. Swine flu, schwine flu, I say, compared to the alternatives. Thank God that he gave us a car wreck, lice, and swine flu. I'll take that anyday over the other things that are lurking out there. I've decided that it is selfish and in extremely poor taste to lament about how "bad" our luck has been lately. The opposite is quite true. These babies live in a blessed house!


Sandy said...

You are right--that flu was not bad, except for your kiddos, but thanks to your good care, they are on the mend!! Glad Scott is home, hopefully the two younger ones can back to normal soon!!

Riarae said...

You are right! I had no idea the wreck involved someone going 60 MPH! Glad I didn't now until now! Yes, indeed, blessings abound!