We had a great Saturday last week - Scott and I took off for Austin, sans children (who were being watched by the ever gracious Donna, and our favorite babysitter, Maggie). Our mission: to attend the UT/OK State football game at DKR Memorial Stadium. We LOVED the peaceful car ride to Austin, where we could talk without being interrupted. We got great parking at the Seminary, and walked over to the Alumni Center where I got to see a couple of old friends before heading over to the stadium. The game was great - our seats were fine, and the football was better, even the Band was great. Afterwards, we each picked up food from our favorite places, me - DoubleDaves, Scott - the Wendy's Baconator, and we made our way back to Conroe (we left Conroe at 10:30am and got back to Conroe at 10:15 pm). It was a full day - but the boys had a great time with their keepers, and we got a whole date day!
Caroline's first UT football game
This week is Halloween, and the boys are both in high gear. Jake has decided to recycle last year's UT football costume, that barely got used, as he ran home screaming from a scary zombie adult who freaked him out big time. Ben chose to be Donald Duck this year, and is cute as a button. His preschool class had a little party today and they all dressed in their outfits. He just loved all of the attention his puffy little duck outfit got him. He's at a fun age for Halloween this year.
Donald Duck in jeans!